March 2016
Antibody fragment technology and avian IgY antibodies: a powerful combination
Harley, C. and Vieira-Pires, R. S. (2016). Drug Target Review, vol. 3, 4-8
December 2015
Drug Produced in GM Chicken Approved
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of the GM chicken for the production of Kanuma (sebelipase alfa) from Alexion Pharmaceuticals, a recombinant human enzyme that replaces a faulty enzyme in patients with lysosomal acid lipase (LAL) deficiency who are unable to break down fatty molecules.
July 2015
Egg-yolk antibodies give new hope for those with celiac disease
Researchers from University of Alberta (Canada) use egg yolks to create supplement that could improve lives of people with celiac disease.